Complete and Best Payment Gateway Indonesia

Faspay as an award-winning best payment gateway Indonesia with complete online payment channels solutions. Since 2003, PT Media Indonusa (Faspay) has made it easier for businesses from startups, MSMEs to corporate to accept online payments, send funds, and help business growth.


Payment Methods




Our Merchant

Trusted by 5000+ Businesses in Indonesia
from Various industries


“Faspay really helps us to provide the customer with access to flexible, wide, and accessible online payment solutions. Now our customers can make payments through Alfamart. Faspay services greatly support the operations of P2P fintech lending businesses."


"Before using Faspay, customers who wanted to make bill payment transactions had to come to the office and make manual payments. Obviously, this method is quite time-consuming. After using Faspay, customers can easily make online payments anywhere and anytime, making payment transactions faster"

"BRI Manajemen Investasi

"Before using Faspay services, we still provided conventional methods for purchasing mutual funds. After partnering with Faspay, we can provide 14 online payment methods, which has resulted in an increasing number of transactions and customers”

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Our Products

All-in-one Online Payment Gateway Solutions Indonesia


Accept Online Payments

Enhance your business by accepting online payments from 50+ methods, starting from credit cards, e-wallets, virtual accounts, to retail, with just one easy integration!


Online Invoicing

Create online invoices and send payment links to various chat platforms more easily and without integration.



Solution for sending money instantly in real-time, either in units or mass transfers simultaneously to 150+ Banks, E-Wallets, and Virtual Accounts in Indonesia.


Cash Out

The convenience for your partners & customers to withdraw funds through thousands of retail outlets across Indonesia.


Accept QRIS Payments

Simplify your business transactions by accepting online payments from various banks and e-wallets with QRIS.

Why Faspay

The Advantages of Faspay Payment Gateway Indonesia Solution

Automatic Reports and Responsive Dashboard

Get comprehensive information about your business transactions with automatic daily reports. Access real-time transaction summaries and analyze your business transaction volume through Faspay's dashboard, accessible from anywhere and anytime.

dashboard (1)

Complete Payment Options

We offer 50+ payment methods and 30+ payment partners that can be customized to your needs, ranging from Internet Banking to retail payments.

Customer Service

Cooperative Customer Support

If you need technical assistance or have any other questions, feel free to contact us anytime; our team is always ready to assist you!


Easy and Fast Integration

Get an online payment page with easy and fast integration using various API and plugin options.



Safe and Secure

In addition to being officially licensed by Bank Indonesia, Faspay uphold the highest standards of credit card transaction security with PCI-DSS Level I certification.

Driving Your Business Growth and Expansion

Our extensive support through partnerships with eCommerce platforms, website developers, and software development partners helps you build an online store that suits your business needs. Also, get special marketing programs to boost your business!

expansi bisnis


Interesting Insights to Elevate Your Business

Jangkau Pelanggan Unbanked dengan Pembayaran Melalui Gerai Retail

July 12, 2024

Indonesia adalah negara dengan populasi besar, namun banyak di antaranya masih termasuk dalam kategori unbanked atau tidak memiliki akses ke layanan perbankan. Menurut data dari Katadata, survei SNLIK 2022 menunjukkan indeks literasi dan inklusi keuangan Indonesia naik dari 76,19% pada 2019 menjadi 85,10% pada 2022, dengan target OJK mencapai 90% pada 2024. Meskipun begitu, data World Bank tahun 2021 menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk unbanked terbesar ke-4 di dunia, yakni 97,74 juta orang dewasa atau 48% dari populasi dewasa. Unbanked merujuk pada individu dewasa yang tidak memiliki rekening bank. Dengan adopsi teknologi digital, bisnis dapat menawarkan berbagai metode pembayaran yang mudah diakses oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Selain itu, kemitraan dengan platform pembayaran digital dapat membantu meningkatkan inklusivitas keuangan. Langkah-langkah ini tidak hanya memperluas pasar tetapi juga mendukung inklusi keuangan yang lebih besar di seluruh negeri.

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Faspay Payment Gateway dengan Logo Baru

Faspay Hadir dengan Wajah Baru: Inovasi untuk Layanan Pembayaran yang Lebih Cepat, Aman, dan Andal

June 25, 2024

Faspay (PT Media Indonusa) melakukan rebranding logo sebagai bagian dari strategi untuk memperkuat posisinya di pasar yang semakin kompetitif. Rebranding ini bukan sekadar perubahan visual, tetapi juga mencerminkan komitmen Faspay dalam menghadirkan layanan yang lebih cepat, aman, dan andal bagi para pebisnis.

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split payment

Apa itu Split Payment? Ini Manfaat dan Contoh Penerapannya

June 24, 2024

Split payment adalah layanan pembayaran inovatif yang menggunakan beberapa sumber pembayaran. Baca selengkapnya di sini!

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